Sunday, March 27, 2011

important questions for AP2 :: 4-8 units

                                         AEROSPACEPROPULSION -II

1)  . Identify the components of a solid propellant rocket motors with a sketch. Explain
briey the components.

2) What are the characteristics of liquid propellants and the types of liquid propellants.
Give the examples of each.

3)  write short notes on :
    (a) Photon propulsion
(b) Free radical propulsion
(c) Nuclear fusion
(d) Problems associated with plasma jet propulsion.

4)   Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of scramjet.

5) Compare the solid propulsion systems with liquid propulsion systems and mention
their comparative advantages and usage.

(a) Explain the following with respect to a rocket motor:
      i. Impulse to weight ratio
      ii. Total impulse.
 (b) Di_erentiate between a rocket and a missile..

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